Tru-Test Data Link Apps for Cattle and Livestock Scales | Free
$ 0.00
Availability: Instock

Send data to MiHub Livestock and others from the weigh site!


Tru-Test Data Link is a free application for Apple iOS and Android which enables you to easily download data stored on your Tru-Test Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® enabled EID readers or weigh scale indicators.

  • Send session data to MiHub Livestock to track your groups to target weights and share up-to-date reports with staff, vets and farm consultants
  • Select a session file to email back to the office or send to another recipient.
  • Open a session and review individual animal records.
  • If you are not in a 3G or Wi-Fi area, the transaction will happen automatically the next time you come into range.
  • GPS location of data download attached to emails (optional).


Tru-Test scale Data Link Apps